10 August 2009

so the economy is getting better eh?

according to yahoo.com news, the american economy has begun to rebound and the 3rd quarter should prove quite nice as economic factors begin to strengthen across the board. good thing obama is president eh? he began to tackle the financial crisis even before he took office and already, a mere 6 months into his term, his hard work and dedication seems to have payed off for the american people. hooray! after that dundering nincompoop bush did his level best to bankrupt america while he and his crony henchmen were stealing money out of all our pockets, i feared that no amount of good governance would save this nation. haha! fuck you george! still i continue to be baffled how obama, obviously a very talented person to serve as our president, continues to be the butt of derision and scorn from his fellow countrymen. oh sure, i get it when the belligerent right wingers do it. what else are they going to do? admit their party is stuck in the past and has become too religious to be mainstream? hell no! not when there are nigger jokes and rush limbaugh! but i'm worrying about that you see. just because america voted for reason and accountability in the last election, don't think we've won a permenant or long term victory for ourselves or our children. oh no. we just stemmed the right wing onslaught for an election cycle. those right wing bastards are still out to have their cake and eat it to i assure you. for, you see, the venom, hatred and narrow mindedness of a right winger makes then unnaturally aggressive; their minds bend to acts of illegality simply so they can force their views, their beliefs and their twisted ways on all of us americans regardless of what we might believe in or feel strongly about. yes, the right wants hegemony with white folk in their natural roles as leaders and decision makers and all people of color quietly subservient and obedient. that is their vision: white, christian america as the obvious rulers of a dark complected world. normally i would just laugh at them but it seems their venom is spreading throughout the national psyche as the pound our president (in a time of war no less right?) with their right wing media and scream machine. make obama look bad at every turn, call him socialist or muslim, claim he's not even an american, make jokes of his mixed heritage, come up with racial slurs and epithets. and guess what? their poison is seeping into the mainstream. we people need to stop this. we need to stand behind president obama and offer him our respect and support. and when those right wing fuckers try to say anything detrimental to the leader of our country maybe we should just take a page from their book and shout those worthless benedict arnold's down. or kick 'em in the nuts. or both.

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