22 October 2009

dick cheney 'n me

Former illegitimate Vice President Dick Chney and I have a lot in common. Seriously. Weird right? Can't stand that asshole. But we are, for better or worse a lot alike. We are both Americans. We are both older, white males with heart problems. We are both fathers and soon, we are both about to be first time grandfathers. Oh wait gentle reader, there's more. We are both into politics, we both think we know what is best for the United States and the Whole World (we dumb apes are very narcissistic), we're both stubborn and we both just love to bitch about stupid shit. I bitch allll the time here on cyberspace and in real life too. It's too hot, it's too humid, NFL refs are paid to rig the outcome of pro games to appease gamblers, goddamit! people suck! And so on and so forth. And that's ol' Dick Cheney too. He just bitches about different stuff. Oh the executive branch is all powerful and above the lawful scrutiny of the American people, I can broker any energy task force deal I want without Congressional oversight, I can invade whatever goddamn country I want and you can't stop me so go fuck yourself, what do you mean I can't torture an enemy combatant? Why not? They're camel jockies fer Christ's sake! They aren't even real people! But it seems like this is where I and the former illigitimate VP start showing our differences. For example, my bitching doesn't ever hurt anyone and anyone reading it or listening to it are just regular folks and it's all free. When Cheney bitches people die and anyone listening to him are Uber Rich White Americans of the Republican party who will give all the money that they can to insure the Republican party retakes the country so that they can return us to the stranglehold they held all of us in under the illegitimate Bush regiem. His daughter will never, ever have to worry about a single doctor or hospital bill when her baby is born yet mine will have to go into debt just to have her baby because she is uninsured. And Cheney bitches about giving my daughter and her baby free health care too. I believe in Peace and Love and America first, he believes in War and Torture and the Empire's interests above all others. Now, the way I read it in 2nd grade, America's Founding Fathers were all about Truth, Justice, Freedom and Minding Our Own Business in World Affairs. America would be self sufficient, not relying on any country for anything. Americans would be innovative merchants though to the Entire Planet and have a weak central government and states deciding their own laws and fates with an emphasis always upon Community and Union amongst all citizens. The way Cheney read it was the same I read it only he doesn't think that old timey claptrap means anything anymore in Today's America. He forgets that in 1914 that President Woodrow Wilson ordered the standing Army of the United States to be disbanded because America had no use for one. He forgets this because he knows he can make a shitload of money during war time (real or manufactured) He forgets that America only went into the Great War to expand American markets that only the Wealthiest Americans could ever benefit from. He forgets this because he doesn't care if a few poor Americans die to help him get at Middle East oil. He forgets that the United States only got into World War II to get at the Germans so that America would be a Global Empire. He forgets this because he sees this as the Manifest Destiny of the United States ordained by Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ. So you can imagine that when I see ol' Dick Cheney on TV trying desperately, urgently to save his legacy because he knows his time left on the Earth is short, i get a little irritated at him. Cheney old boy, you have nothing you can ever say to me, to thousands of military dead or their families, or the thousands you allowed to die on September 11. You are a liar, a law breaker, a killer, a swindler and you are full of darkness and hate. It is never right to torture anyone, it is never right to spy on the American people becuase you guys fucked up and dropped the ball while you were illegitimately in office and it is YOUR fucked up Afghanistan plan that has us in the bad place we are today thank you very much you twisted asshole. You don't get to bash President Obama while he tries to clean up YOUR mess. You don't get to give my President shit because he thinks torture is wrong. Or anything else. You had 8 years to make you legacy and it was a horrible nightmare for the Entire Planet and the People of the United States as well you self righteous, egotistical, rich on the blood of Americans mother fucker. It is your fault our nation is in harm's way, it is your fault terrorists's succesfully attacked America and it is your fault Today's America more resembles the police states of either Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany than a Sweet Land of Liberty. You hate the Law and despise our Constitution and deserve to have your name used as a byword for petty thug or two bit tyrant. See, I can bitch too. Be more responsible when you bitch you old cranky fucker or God will no doubt take you even sooner than you think. Then again, maybe God is keeping you alive so your last days are full of suffering physically and mentally, unable to change the fact that your prestiege is gone and that your whole time in office was nothing more than a bad joke played on the World by the Religious Fanatics of the GOP.

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