15 November 2009


So I realize now that it's all over. I have no power, no voice and while I don't like it one bit, I accept it finally after years and years of senseless resistance to it. See, when I was a boy I was always taught that in America we're free to do as we please so long it doesn't harm anyone else, that our votes mattered and that our standards for competition and fair play were second only to Jesus Himself. But something terrible happened along the way and my country no longer values it's heritage. We are all of us treated as criminals here on the streets outside the gabled homes and lush, palatial mansions of the wealthiest, most powerful Americans. Americans full of vice and greed, guile and cunning. They could have any one of us executed on a whim and the U.S. Soldier doing the hit, who, today, I am relentlessly reminded is a hero somehow protecting freedoms that aren't threatened by anyone else in the world but by my own government, that soldier would blow your fucking brains out and go home with a sense of pride that he has slain an enemy of this great Democracy of ours. Some Democracy. It isn't a Democracy if not every citizen is allowed to vote, regardless of criminal background. It's not a Democracy when Southern blacks can't vote due to racism and intimidation. It is not a Democracy when corporations are said to have "free speech" as if the corporaation was an actual living, breathing human being. What bizzaro world shit is that? So because rich people run corporations, through their corporate being they can have twice the say as me in the voting booth? It is to laugh and imcompatable with what this nation's Founders established after bloody revolt. The rich elitists of this nation demonstrated their power recently by getting all those millions of Pentecostals out on the streets to get violent and belligerent at town hall meetings, threaten the President of the United States with their gun toting contingent and threaten their own bloody revolt over the Obama government and presumeably the rest of us Sinners. Yet Obama is working with the rich and elite. He has ended no wars, the government still participates in domestic spying and seriously, if President Obama really wanted health care reform, he'd get it. He'd make it happen. He's the fucking President for Christ's sake! Yet some power called off their Pentecostal dogs, their threat understood and President Obama, who loves his wife and daughter very much and wants to see them grow up had no choice but to back down. Now the President hopes his Democratic Congress will surprise the nation and stand up for history but they won't. Like all politicians, they are paid for and bought off whether they be Republican or Democrat. Both parties owe some rich people something. That's why even though most American's are alright with a women's right to choose what is best for her life in the privacy of her doctor's office, the rich in this country who don't agree an American should have any privacy in a doctor's office keep financing the resistance and if someone gets executed, why it just couldn't be helped. Or how the majority of Americans support the decriminalization of marijuanna. The rich of this nation do not. They think we will all get high and lazy and stop working in their factories and mini marts which, of course, will allow you to get more money from them as you lay around getting high all day. So what do they do? They subject America to nearly 35 years of civil liberties abuses through their War on Drugs, uncountable violations of millions of American's 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Amendment rights. Isn't it super that while America isn't #1 in a lot of areas anymore, that we are #1 in the whole World for having the highest ammount of citizens imprisioned. We dominate in this category world wide, beating Tsar Putin's Russia and the Communist regime that rules China and the C'hin people have far fewer rights by law than we Americans say we still have. Ugh! I could go on with examples but who cares? Not my fellow citizens. To them, everything is just fine. Laptops, flatscreen HDTVs and iPods oh my! So what if we drop bombs on women and children? They aren't Americans and they are Brown. So what that our government gives out billions of dollars of bribes to the world's nations to do our bidding? Man, if the people of Iraq wanted their own government, then they shouldn't have let us put Saddam Hussein in power. Americans just don't care. To them freedom is shopping wherever you want and buying lot's of stuff. They trust that their government and local law enforcement will always do what's right and not fuck up anything anywhere at anytime even though there is mountains of evidence showing them that this just simply not true. Cops on the beat aren't cops, they are military. They are the first line of defense the rich and powerful have against us. It is also a result of their Drug War. That's why cops are so lethal. I'm told they protect me and they probably do, but they are also thoughtless automatons who 'just follow orders' and do as their told by the heads of the food chain. So that is why I have finally just stopped fighting it. I seem alone in my disgust of what my country has become, what freedoms we have traded for security, what International laws we break in the name of our 'national security'. Dammit, we helped right those laws! No our hipocrosy is complete! Ugh! We are the grossest violator of human rights on the Planet. All men are created equal. Nice sentiment but no longer applicable here. Endowed by their Creator of certain unalienable rights until we humans take it away from ourselves. I'm afraid the only way to save America now is with blood. The blood of those rich, elitist assholes who choke our Frredoms and Liberties from us and kill unmercillously in our name, using our sons and daughters, for their financial gain that they have no intention os haring with you. Sure, sure your daughter was a hero now fuck off. Next you'll be wanting us to pay for VA hospitals! That stuff about your dead kid being a hero or dying for some great cause is all just a bone they toss your grieving ass so that you keep going along with a lie. Why is their blood more precious and valuable than yours? But your kids never had to die. 9/11 never had to happen. George Bush was never lawfully elected to the Presidency of the United States and the impeachment of Bill Clinton is exposed for just what it was at the time: the preamble to the total conquering of our nation by the rich and powerful through their political arm, the Republican party. We let this happen on our watch and those elitist bastards are using the political divisiveness of American society to blind the people of what's really going on and with that upstart nigger finaly in their pocket they can get on with the business of taking back their political, law making power from those pesky Democrats we elected into office over the last few years. They are already preparing you for it through their right wing media outlets. And as they retake power in 2012 they will have you convinced you really wanted them to. Not because they are good or pure but because they manipulated you into it. And your so dumb, your happy as a pig in shit that you could help seal the deal on the death of our once proud, once great Republic.

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