12 November 2009


For better or worse, I'm very easily frustrated about most everything. From simple things like why the party store doesn't carry Diet Dr. Pepper to more complex issues like why America can't take care of its own people but will pay billions in bribes to other countries so that they fall in line and do our bidding, it is nearly too much to bear sometimes. It is all the way easier just to stay at home, keep the TV off and waste my days on the Internet playing various video games and occasionally checking out some porn to satisfy my old man waning libido. But that's no good either especially now that I am about to be a grandfather. My future grandson (who will be born in February) will be one of America's future inheritors and he isn't going to be born into the America that I was. His America will be a dark place where the American dream is dead and the nation, as a whole, will be falling to pieces. He will be uninsured and at the mercy of evil men (the rich) and their pawns (Democrats and Republicans). He may even get drafted as waning American power becomes challenged by the surging Chinese. I used to be concerned by the Chinese taking us over and instituting government reforms that would make our land a totalitarian nation, but we did that to ourselves anyway during the illegitimate Bush regime so whatever. There is no difference now in our government or Russia and China's government at all. Worse, most Americans are too lazy, stupid and uninformed to do anything about it except bitch about it with their friends at the bar. Or they, like me, are just too goddamned frustrated. What good is voting Democrat or Republican when you get the exact same results? Why aren't there at least 6 parties to choose from like they have in Canada? Canada is still a free nation because it's citizens challenge the authorities and the status quo. All lover's of freedom should move there and preach the gospel of the corrupting influence of America's immorality and greed before even Canada gets transformed into a mockery of Liberty and Justice like we are here today. I had naively hoped that with the election of President Obama that this would all change, but the Democrats as a whole haven't learned what made the Republicans so dominant since the mid 90's: their unity. The Dems have no unity which is why real health care reform won't happen nor will real environmental changes happen nor getting rid of lobbyists nor real, legitimate campaign financial reform. Greed and corruption will do that and politicians are crooks and con men to begin with. If the Dems lose the 2010 midterms it will be because of this. They were elected to change things not leave them as they are and so they will likely be unemployed come next November and will have earned their firing because they didn't grasp this moment in history and claim it as their own. Still, they are better than Republicans which is like saying Castor oil tatses better than feces. The Republicans, the modern day equivalent of the Pharisees and Sadduces, on the other hand will likely use their infinite riches and uncanny ability to manipulate the public to continue to ruin the country. They will give more wealth to the rich, raise your taxes and then give you a tax credit like they are doing you a favor or they will continue empowering the federal government while simultaneously robbing us of more civil liberties with unconstitutional laws like the Patriot Act or they will invade Iran and cause World War 3 while bridges continue to collapse in America. As for your health? Die quickly bitches. Yup, it's a pretty fucked up mess of a country my grandson is about to find himself in. I wish there was something more I could do to change it but I get so damned frustrated when the fact is there is nothing I can do to change it. The powers that be are firmly entrenched and we, the People, haven't got the grapes to water the tree of Liberty with Patriot's blood. We are too fat, too complacent, too afraid. Our lives are too connected to the status quo and rocking the boat could put our families at real risk or political reprisal. We don't (or won't) look into the future at our unborn spawn, our children's children. Why? They aren't any more real than my grandson. Yet. But they will be. And when they are farming shit due to the corruption inherent to the system and being repressed like the slaves to the government that they will be who cares right? With any luck you won't live long enough to see this and in death you won't worry or care about anything ever again. Good for you! If your future family curses your names or thinks of you as irresponsible sperm donors or cum dumpsters you won't even be the wiser. Good luck my cherished and beloved grandson! You are gonna need it!

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