17 January 2010

clarifications pt 1.

I see already that I will have to make some general clarifications once in awhile and here comes the first ones.

1) Not all White apes are racist. The rest are either bigots or truly colorblind but the colorblind are rare in American and Canadian White apes while the European White apes are significantly colorblind. I suspect that it would break down like this:
American and Canadian racists 45%
American and Canadian bigots 37%
American and Canadian colorblind 18%
European racists 05%
European bigots 30%
European colorblind 65%

The difference between a racist and a bigot may seem unsubstantial to my fellow apes but there are markedly significant differences. For example a racist White ape will either kill or segregate a Black ape. A bigot White ape holds to broad sweeping generalizations about a race that are not true of all members of that particular race yet still get on with apes of different colors while thinking badly of them. For example, I tend to be a bigot about blacks having been shot with BB guns by a gang of them, being harrassed by a group of them and, back in the day, having to deal with Black shenanigans when it came to ordering pizzas. I still get nervous when I see 3 or more Black apes together in close proximity of me. That said, I know that not all Black apes are that way but because of my negative experiences with the Black ape, I remain internally conflicted. Further, I really can't blame the Black apes for how they act as they are socially programmed by the ruling White apes to be thugs, alcoholics, drug addicts, gang members, thieves and hopeless so that the ruling White apes can justify keeping the Black ape repressed through law enforcement, ghettoization and a sense of hopelessness. Mind you, this was my example and the same can be said for the White apes treatment of any other race. Like the Hispanic and Chin apes. Oy!

A very noticeable exception to the racist rule is the common Jew ape. While some White ape racists claim the Jews killed the savior ape Christ (it was the White Roman apes) and are worthy of death, there is a significant ammount of racists who love the Jew as co-heirs of the Christian heaven and so bend over backwards to give the Jew ape unwavering support. These racists tend to be fundamentalist Christians who substitute hatred of the Jew with hatred of all other races including their own in a sort of twisted reverse racism. For example, I am hated by the fundamentalist Christian because I am not a Christian and find the idea of "God" silly and say so often. As if there were a God ape somewhere making us sole guardians of the Universe. Ha! This also marks me for death by some of these fundamentalists. Another example are Homosexual apes who would be lynched regularly if it could be gotten away with.
The curious thing about this acceptance of the Jew ape as lesser co-equals is that the Jews are really Arabs and the White ape loves nothing more than killing Arab apes or keeping them under repressive regiemes like the Saudis. Ugh! Naturally the Jew ape exploits this strange symbiotic relationship with the White ape and gets away with just about everything you can imagine. For examples:
The Jewish ape has stolen American nuclear secrets or bribed American White government officials for additional nuclear secrets. As a result, these Jewish apes (who hate their Arabian brothers with as much venom as any White ape) have a nuclear arsenal ready to go whenever they please in violation of international treaty bans.
They regularly spy on the world's White governments yet still manage to keep unwavering White support. I can think of 4 stories I've read in the last 2 years where Jewish spies stole sensitive American documents yet nothing was ever done about it.
They are war criminals killing civilians as they please and purposefully bombing women, children and United Nations members who were brave enough to speak out against them. The Israelis justify this genocide by claiming Arab militants launching rockets into Jewish territory is to blame but 1)I don't know that childrenn conspired with adult militans and 2 ) Jewish territory is Arabian territory stolen by the White apes for the Jew apes based on their holy book about the ape god.
Personally I have no trouble with Jew or Arab but the Jews are as largely to blame as us White apes for all the death and destruction happening now in Arabia. As for the Arabs, I am conflicted as I think all killing is reprehensible despite any justifications. Killing in the name of the god ape be that god ape named Allah, Yahweh or Christ makes me wish there actually was a god ape to bitch slap those twisted fuckers into oblivion. Oh well. You get used to all the death and slaughter after many years of seeing it and it wouldn't surprise me if we dumb apes destroy the entire planet which is why I write this to you who find it (if you ever do).
I really can't say why but we apes have an inner death wish. We all "know" the world will end in cataclysm and we've known this for as long as we apes could write (roughly 7000 years). I say that's all bunk but I am but one ape. We apes could give up our suicidal tendencies, murderous wars and apocalyptic visions if we got rid of our ape god worship as death and the "end times" are fully integrated into 75% of the world's religions and for some reason billions of apes find this to be holy.

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