28 January 2010

Howard Zinn dies at 87

Last night, we common folk Americans lost a champion for truth in our nation. They called Zinn a leftist or a Socialists because he believed in the awesome power of the common man and because he saw that all of ape (human) history has been dominated by the very richest people. Rich people ruin everything, history proves this over and again but we dumb apes just can't seem to learn this. It's as though we have some delusion within us saying that if we allow rich people to exist then one day we too might somehow find ourselves wealthy. Think of it as trying to buy heaven while here on Earth because heaven, as described by our religions, doesn't sound like all that great of a place. Yay! We're in heaven! And all we get to do is praise the apegod! Ugh, boring. But being rich while alive, that's a whole other story. You can go anwhere, do anything, have people executed, run governments, buy and sell people or just get them to have nasty sex with you. Rich people are evil incarnate. The love of money is the root of all evil.

"The challenge remains. On the other side are formidable forces: money, political power, the major media. On our side are the people of the world and a power greater than money or weapons: the truth. Truth has a power of its own. Art has a power of its own. That age-old lesson – that everything we do matters – is the meaning of the people’s struggle here in the United States and everywhere. A poem can inspire a movement. A pamphlet can spark a revolution. Civil disobedience can arouse people and provoke us to think, when we organize with one another, when we get involved, when we stand up and speak out together, we can create a power no government can suppress. We live in a beautiful country. But people who have no respect for human life, freedom, or justice have taken it over. It is now up to all of us to take it back."

- Howard Zinn

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