21 January 2010

Supreme Court ushers in Fascism

Today is a sad and ominous day for us American apes for today the Supreme Court of the US has declared that true Democracy is dead and the only real political voices that matter are the uber rich and corporations. Fuck the little guy. Fuck 95% of Americans declared the Supreme Court. Think of today as a final kiss off and fuck you from the illegitimate Bush administration who appointed 2 of the 5 judges who decided against Americans and for corporate interests.

In essence what the court did was make corporations into living, breathing, flesh and blood entities with unlimited free speech. Because of this, the uber rich can now use their businesses to funnel all the money they want into federal campaigns. Guess what? These uber rich bastards are predominately Republican, the same party that destroyed American freedom when they were in power under the illegitimate Bush fuckers.

Here's how it breaks down. Bush & co. steal the 2000 election because they want (and need) to invade Iraq for its oil and Karl Rove wants to destroy the Bill of Rights and transform America into a police state. To get the people on their side for this invasion and gutting of American liberty, they allowed the 9/11 attacks to go off without a hitch. Karl Rove, de facto co-President with Dick Cheney, rushed the Patriot Act into law (destorying the Bill of Rights in the name of a new war he helped to start) while Cheney and Bush worked on the Iraq invasion (badly). Now with the people under the iron rule of the police state and our Armies swarming Baghdad, the next step was change the courts to be more in line with Rove's thinking on how America should be ruled by the Republican party. They excused this by saying judges shouldn't legislate from the bench which was a false premise because --haha!-- that is exactly what the Supreme Court does now that it is under right wing domination. Before the court upheld the rights of Americans which is never popular to the rich or the Republicans.
Naturally, in my view, as Bush never won either of his elections, this Supreme Court ruling is bogus but it doesn't matter what I think because my fellow American apes, ignorant of what we apes will do for absolute power legitimized everything Bush ever did by doing nothing at all. So we Americans deserve as much blame for the end of our Democracy as the Supreme Court.

But Mike, how does this decision end Democracy? Now the rich have no limits and they will ensure Republicans win the upcoming midterms and presidential election. The result will be eternal Republican rule. Once the Republicans regain power, the illegitimate Bush administration will seem like powder puffs to the abuses that will come to every American. If you thought 8 years of Bush ruined the nation what will you do under perpetual Republican domination.
You won't be able to dissent or question them because they will arrest you for helping the terrorist cause. You won't be able to hide anything from them or have any privacy because they will have us all wiretapped and reading every blog and e-mail across cyber space. You will be under total government control through a miltarized police force that has no worries about Miranda rights or civil liberties. You won't be able to find remedy for any wrong by the state because they will change the laws so you can't. They will repeal every health care measure, every effort to curb greenhouse emmisions. They will laugh all the way to the back while all across America the peopulation of the impoverished rises 63%. They will continue to borrow money from the Chinese to fight perpetual wars. They will bring back the draft and force us to fight those wars. Worst of all, they will do it in the name of their imaginary apegod Yahweh and his so called son Jesus.

America is doomed. Fuck you Bush, Cheney and Rove. You've destroyed my country.

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