22 January 2010

we gotta get out of this place

I actually wanted to leave the United States on September 12, 2001 when somehow every retail store in America got an abundant supply of patriotic T-shirts and star spangled banners. Hell, the smoke from the rubble of the Twin Towers were stil wafting skyward, all air traffic in the nation halted and yet, as though all these retailers had prescience, there they were: Bumper stickers, Proud American T-shirts, flags to fit your car or flagpole, patriotic music all for sale at a tidy price to boost profits. You can imagine they were selling like hotcakes and no one bothered to wonder how they arrived so fast to every grocery store, mall and gas station nationwide. Sure the average American ape is pretty dumb, but it was such an affront to my sensibilities that after such a horrific event the powers that be were turning a profit off of it that surely other apes like myself had to notice and be suspicious. >shrug< Oh well.
The other thing bugging me was United 93. Initial reports declared it was shot down by the military over Pennsylvania and then those reports vanished from everywhere, internet included. Now the passengers on the flight were heroes who subdued the hijackers and brought the plane down themselves. We have impossible to make phone calls recorded by the government to prove it.
Unfortunately to leave the country requires money and I am a poor ape so I've been stuck here ever since. I did try to call an immigrant attorney acquaintance of mine in Toronto but he wasn't going to be able to help my poor monkey ass. Well, he might have. He helped me out before when I was in a desperate situation but I didn't feel it right to ask him for more free help. The man is a $1000 an hour attorney!

Which brings us to today, 8 and a half years later. Still stuck in Fortress America. It's pretty clear now that the government was involved in 9/11 though the majority refuses to believe this because they just can't imagine that Rove, Cheney, et al could huger for power so badly that they would do such a thing to their own country, even though that is exactly what happened. Hell, on the 8 seconds of doctored tape released by the FBI showing the Pentagon explode you can see the missle the military fired into the building! Still, the masses accept the official version and so, as a result, we have no real freedoms anymore (unless you define freedom as where you can shop) and anyone of us could be arrested under the Patriot Act for writing blogs like this one.
I suppose I am grateful no one really knows about it or reads it otherwise they'd come kill me like they did Hunter S. Thompson and that dude from the Enron scandal who was about to expose the Bush White House for the goons they were. Funny how when the government whacks a guy they always use gunshots to the head and cover it up as suicide. It's like they aren't even trying to cover it up anymore because nobody gives a shit but a handful of us with no power and no resources. Oh yeah and that lady from Minnesota who charged Dubya Bush with rape. They killed her too. No complaintant, no crime.

If this blog were well known and people read it, the uber patriots would be saying, "If you don't like this country why don't you leave?" Yeah, they are as simplistic and ignorant as that. I'd love to leave. I couldn't get out fast enough. Now if you uber patriots want to float me some serious money, I'll be out of your hair. Canada is still a free country.
I kinda came to think that maybe somehow I could help change things here in the States, but there won't be any real change. The powers that be are too firmly entrenched. Bad enough the rich control both political parties and most of the money. These are the people who need dealing with but now the Supreme Court has given them even more power. We regular Americans are their de facto slaves. We are slaves to their money, we are dazzled by their oppulance, we applaud their political control over us.

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