20 January 2010

why apegod why?!?

As a practicing Taoist, I rate myself as Enlightened yet a poor example for others to follow as I just can't follow the Tao Te Ching's admonishment of not letting the world get to me. In fact, the world agitates the crap out of me. It's my own fault really because I really care about the outcomes for all my brothers and sisters across the planet and I want them to have good lives without war, poverty or oppression yet that is exactly what befalls millions of us dumb apes everyday. How do I not get angry when China oppresses, jails and kills its own citizens (especially as China is the next superpower)? How do I not get defensive over Plaestinians being murdered by IDF forces who are guilty of war crimes? How do I stay calm when genocide is going on in Darfur and no army has gone to stop it? We in the US have an Army but we broke it when we allowed former illegitimate president George Bush invade Iraq (just as the Chinese are gaining ascendancy; good going Bush you dick!).
Ugh! It is all too much!
Worse still is that my own country is going to shit. Our infrastructure is breaking down and outdated, our economy is broken (thanks again Bush you asshole!), we have starving people, homeless people, kids who can't see a doctor (because American doctors are assholes demanding payment for services rather than following their Hippocratic oaths), a dying planet that we apes ourselves are killing and rapidly expanding poverty because the rich don't seem to be satisfied with the money they have and hunger for more. It makes me want to pull my freakin' hair out.
All across the world and in my country, billions pray to the apegod for relief but none is forthcoming because (of course) there are no apegods. We dumb apes must fix these problems ourselves but instead of doing so, we make the problems worse. Somehow we seem to think all this makes us "advanced" or "civilized" and we brag about our insignificant accomplishments like we cured Death itself or something (instead of causing it so much as we do).
It's hard to be neutral. Making it harder are the most dispicable, diabolical apes of all: Politicians.
Politicians are a pernicious lot filled with lies, greed and hatred of their fellow apes (unless the ape is very, very wealthy of course). Oh sure, some have high ideals and some really try to make some sort of difference for the citizenry but mostly politicians look to fill their own pocketbooks and maintain the status quo even when it isn't working like they do here in America. American politics is easy to dissect because there are only 2 real political powers: The Republicans (who hate poor people, people of color and freedom) and the Democrats (who kiss up to the poor and people of color but love rich people more and are so so on the issue of freedom). These 2 parties have done all they could to quash other political rivals which is why there are no other parties to really compete against them. Worse, these 2 parties have millions of devoted, loyal followers who doggedly keep them in power even at the expense of their country. This would have been called treason once upon a time but today, especially in the Republican party, treason is expected of the faithful. Country doesn't matter so much as agenda. People do not matter as much as the wealthy. Rights do not matter because one group or the other is always trying to impose their will upon everyone. Remember? I told you how the old Republic was killed by Republicans a few days ago. Not that Democrats are any better. They enabled the GOP to kill the old Republic. They went with majority rules over protecting the minority from the whims of the rabid masses. And rabid is exactly what they are. You should see how these twisted apes froth at the mouth in their demagoguery!

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