05 April 2010

America the soulless


When I watched this segment last night I was mortified and shocked. A company called Myriad Genetics controls all testing on the two breast cancer genes. They own the genes and patented them. No one else can legally test for them, or look at them, or even develop potential therapies that are based on them without Myriad's consent the segment reported.

Furthermore: a test called BRAC Analysis, a blood test in which lab technicians at Myriad Genetics examine two genes that exist in all of us.

If mutations - irregularities - are found, it means the risk of getting breast cancer and ovarian cancer is extremely high: breast cancer five times more likely, ovarian cancer as much as 40 times more likely.

A positive result usually means removal of (the) ovaries (or mammary) before cancer can develop.

This life saving test should be readily available to all women yesterday but the investors in Myriad charge $3200 per test just so they can turn a profit. It's crap like this that makes me believe capitalism is a corrupt and morally bankrupt system. We the people need to put leashes on our rich folk. They are no better than us and don't deserve to lord it over us simply because they empower that evil system that promotes only lust, greed and root of all evil.

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