26 July 2010

catching up

i've been with my girl for 4 years now and until recently she didn't know that i liked the show "my name is earl".  no reason she would know.  i never talked about it and when asked what i thought about the show, i'd reply it's alright for what it is.  don't know why it hasn't happened, that we've seen the show together i mean, especially during those long nights of boring, blustery winter.  i mean, there's usually crap on tv anyway, the dumber of my fellow countrymen slash zombies.  still wouldn't recommend earl when nothing was on.

recently, i decided to quit paying for cable and to settle for the hd local channels.  sure, i'll miss my shows like "caprica" or the pro hockey.  i thought why pay rich corporations to get richer when they show us mainly crap?  or better, why pay corporations for anything at all?  ah but you silly monkeys!  you thrice damned apes!  gotta have starbucks, ipods, verizon, hd etc.  why?  if you could join with your fellow countrymen and stop giving away your money to those who are everyday plotting new ways to abuse your sorry ass, wouldn't you just do it?  don't you want a better day for our nation?  don't you want prosperity for you and yours?  stop feeding the beast and the beast will come to you for terms.

meanwhile, i'm watching "my name is earl" because i enjoy jason lee and i think jaime pressly is just the cat's meow.  catching up while there's still time.  i imagine that with the protests coming over the afghan war our stupid military leaders may decide to go for it and invade iran.  or arrange another 9/11 style attack.  after all, it worked the 1st time.  

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