31 July 2010

i hope wikileaks can obtain another 90,000+ documents

As I understand it, having received a nationally standardized grade school education like most everyone else, it is the people of the United States that hold the real power over the federal government, not these smarmy politicians we elect to warm the seats of power in Washington D.C.  Says so right in the fine print of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.  I know it because I've read it.  We the people... do ordain and establish. Not the government, not rich folk, not politicians and certainly not foreign nationals be they Rupert Murdoch or Benjamin 'Nut'anyahu.

So say it loud and say it proud you soft, morbidly obese, tv addicted masses:  We the People do Ordain and Establish!

So if this government is of the People, by the People, for the People then what's with all this secrecy going on in the halls of power?  Maybe that seems a bit naive of a question on the surface but consider we Americans didn't even have classified information before World War I and that we were so secure in our ways that we were ready to disband the Army.  It was in all the papers if you bother to look, a little reminder from history of where we were going as a country until the rich captains of industry bribed the federal government through King Calvin Coolidge's administration to intervene in Europe because of all the profits to be made.  This is where the secrecy starts. 

Thus, with the aid of the new British propaganda division, a new kind of America is born that leads us to the present where secrets are bartered and traded simply to pad the wallets of the very wealthiest of Americans or satisfy another man's drea of gold while we the masses wallow in a virtual slavery we have brought upon ourselves, begging for handouts so our kids won't go hungry another night.  That is our reward for selling our birthright.  We are the Esau's of the present all because we allowed ourselves to be used by covetous men.  And these covetous men never go away.  Like bats they hang in the halls of power, shitting on the floors of Congress and White House alike always searching for an opening to use to their advantage so they might best exploit the situation at hand for maximum benefit to themselves or their corporate cause.  It's all about the ducats baby!

When the Bush people allowed 9/11 to happen, they knew what they were doing and probably knew they'd never be called to justice (which they still haven't).  Had we Americans demanded to see all the documents instead of buying into the whole "national security" crap, George Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney (and many others) would have been executed or jailed forever for crimes against this country, but we as a nation drank the Kool-Aid and valuable evidence lost.  We are now trapped in a so called "post 9/11 world" of Rovian design because we allowed our power over the vultures in Washington to lapse into a very different past where no Army or "state secrets" was even needed.

So, when I voted for Obama I had no false hopes of ending secrecy in government because men of power with something to hide classify anything as secret.  That's just how it is; the nature of the beast.  When a man has a guilty conscience or doing something he knows is wrong or is ashamed of, he will hide it as best he is able.  They all do it and all the hope and change in the world won't change that.  I suppose it could have but our President has taken another road, the old one that lead to ruin. 

Afghanistan was George Bush's 1st war of choice, a field test to see how American's would take to invading sovereign nations.  Because of its test status, this theater of war was neglected in favor of the Iraq war, the jewel of the neo con Republikkkan crown.  National security is ALWAYS trumped by money making schemes in Washington.  Having done nothing to win the war, Bush boldly proclaimed it was for the next President to figure out, he, Bush, did his part by getting us stuck there.  Bastard!  By the time Obama appears, Afghanistan is a cluster fuck.  Opium flows freely, the Taliban is aided by the Afghans and Pakistanis and our fighting men and women are fish in a mountainous barrel, caught between a rock and a hard place.  They are told to maintain a rediculous set of rules for engagement while their enemy has no such restraint.  Unable to differentiate friend from foe, mistakes happen and civilian women and children die in the name of empirical hubris.

Of course we weren't told any of this.  The leadership in Washington classified it all so we the People could remain ignorant of the truth and keep accepting these wars as a Patriotic duty.

Thank heaven for Wikileaks then.  Now the evidence is irrefutable and we Americans can no longer play dumb about the facts.  We are fighting a war we cannot win.  Each military death is a wasted life, another murder on George Bush's head.  President Obama is trying in vain to save the whole misguided enterprise, but it was broke to begin with.  It is we the People who Ordain and Establish and we can end this war.  It is our voices, our protests, our letters to elected officials, our courage that will bring our fighting men and women home where they belong.  The Wikileaks makes it a moral imperative.  We can trust and believe the rich fat cats of Washington or  we can trust and believe in our common sense.  And we need some common sense in America today, not the rabid frothing of the lunatic fringe the GOP seems to love and adore so much.

PFC Manning is an American hero and I pray there are thousands like him out there ready to show the ugly truth when needed because as a country we sleep too much when we need to be at the wheel and driving.  But it may be too late.  My government is considering putting a hit on Julian Assange as well as having him arrested so who knows if there is anyone brave enough to take up Assange's cause if anything happens to him.  Still, I hope he continues to do exactly what he is doing: lighting fires under the asses of the ruling elite who answer to no one. 

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