28 August 2010

on Glenn Beck and exploiting the troops

Glenn Beck rally: Sarah Palin and President Obama agree on one thing - CSMonitor.com

I am what the media describes as an "independent voter" which is newspeak for "there are no political parties that represent me or share my voice" in Big Brother's current lexicon.  Sure, I used to be a dyed in the wool Democrat (never registered) after Reagan ruined my interest in the Republicans ("I was a kid then", my only defense), but the modern day Republikkkans are rabid, racist religious fanatic playing for keeps because this is their mythological "end times" and the modern day Dumbacrats are... well... their pussies who come off as GOP lite.  So much for a true opposition party to balance out the extremes of the other, eh?  They are the 2 sides on Two Faces infamous scored Peace dollar coin.  Whether it's flipped heads or tails, our country bears the abuse of the outcome.  Some more than others.

As George "the bumbler" Bush slept at the switch (as I recall, at the time, he was far more interested in being at the Crawford ranch every weekend and raiding our nations $350 billion surplus to cause the greatest national deficit EVER), a shocking event was allowed to happen on American soil, a crime so stupefying and horrendous Americans still do not know the entire truth of that day because they genuinely don't want to know.  Better to live as stupid sheep than to think for one second that their very own government might have been complicit in the outcome of 9/11.  Bush and his treasonous cronies have gotten away with a horrible crime and we Americans, our heads firmly in sand (or between our fat, smelly buns), have allowed them to get away with murder.  And I'm not talking just the murders of 3000 people in the Trade Centers, I'm talking the murders that continue to go on, sporting the American flag as a shawl.

Geroge Bush's solution to the problem of foreign terrorists was cynical at best.  "Fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here."  "Protecting the Homeland" was it's marketing slogan.  "Homeland" continues to stick in my craw for it's similarities with "Fatherland", but the yokels love it so I'm forced to endure Nazi references almost daily.  But these Nazi references have become the way of daily life here in America.  It is the criminal George Bush's legacy to all Americans.    I suppose I have only the public education system to blame for thinking this way, contrary to so many of my countrymen, but back when I went to school we were taught that only the Soviets invaded other nations, only the SS had unlimited police powers, only the greatest monster of the 20th century used the Jews as an excuse for genocide, which, I'm sorry to say it my friends, is exactly what this nation does EVERY DAY when it takes sides with the Israelis and their civil war with their brother Muslims because all those tribes in Arabia are from the same kith and kin as it declares in the Jewish Torah, the Christian Bible and the Islamic Qu'ran.  Now, maybe that thought is the fault of years and years of interest in religious and mythology studies, but dammit people, we need to wake up and see what we are being twisted into becoming.  This is not America.  This is not what anyone who founded this country intended!

All the villains exemplified above have something else in common that we as a nation are forced to endure every day.  They LOVE their armies.  They would use their armies for any purpose they wished in the name of power, greed and global supremacy.  No body in power of any militaristic nation cares about it's population.  The rich and well to do don't do the dying nor the corporate masters nor the merchants of war.  No sir, I'll tell you who will be doing the dying.   It'll be us little guys, we yokels and rubes.  It'll be children barely turned 18 in need of a job, not old enough to drink but old enough to die for the whims of the rich elite who truly run our nation, these lovers of war who never have to fight it or see the horrors of it.

This kind of blatant militaristic nationalism just reminds me of the Germans.  Sorry, it does.  The message from both inept, outdated (and much in need of replacing) political parties is that war is just great because, darn it, we just aren't safe like we used to be since Bush allowed 9/11 to happen so we have to surrender all of our liberties or else the terrorists win.  Huh?  Doublespeak is another Big Brother speciality.  Like claiming that our military has invaded 2 pissant, meaningless desert nations for my freedoms.  The Afghanis never threatened my freedom, nor did the bloody Iraqis.  It was my own government, it was the Bush Patriot Act that took my liberties away and paved the way for the abuses of Big Government we see still very much alive today even though the criminal Bush is no longer in office.  Our military isn't doing one thing for me but getting shot at and dying needlessly for the greed of rich, old white men.  That's not freedom and it certainly has nothing to do with my rights.  

So today when Glenn Beck purposefully held his "rally" at the spot of Martin King's legendary "I have a dream" speech, I was disgusted because I saw it for what it truly was.  This was Beck and pals declaring that they were a  civil rights movement for ignorant, white, militaristic fundamentalist Christians who see themselves increasingly persecuted by the rest of "godless, liberal America".  As Beck himself recently declared, "... we reclaim the civil rights movement...we will take that movement because we (white, Christian folk) are the people that did it (began the civil right movement) in the first place."  

Somehow this is tied to a message of military service and support of the troops that the liar Beck claims MLK would have wanted.  Whatever that's supposed to mean.  What support are we giving the troops when we allow them to die needlessly everyday?  What?  I sent some toothpaste and plastic shavers to our boys in Afghanistan?  I'm sure that means a lot to the kids dodging bullets.   Support the troops because they are fighting for stolen freedoms?  They die for the remembered idea of liberty before the evil of Bush Republikkkanism took it all away from us.

Both political parties have a lot of share in the blame to go 'round for this terrible state of affairs and are both guilty accomplices in breaking international law, using our military as a dread scalpel to shore up domination of foreign oil reserves and natural riches.  Both sides using the troops as shields against oversight and the accountability Beck and friends claim they represent.  Well, they sure dropped the ball when Bush illegally sat as President and stripped the Bill of Rights of any real meaning or power.  Now their upset because Obama carries on Bush era programs and powers.  If the Tea Party had come to be back then, I'd certainly think they at least had integrity, but they don't.  Just like Republikkkans and Dumbacrats, they pull that cloak of war and the troops tight around them like Superman's capeand preach the virtues of American liberty and freedom which hasn't existed since Reagen took office and subverted the whole American justice system and deregulated everything so rich folk could fuck everything up and charge huge fees for terrible service.  Ugh!  

Anyway, because of this lack of action before Obama was elected, the Tea Party today is a lunatic fringe movement with no credibility except to religious folk and Southerners and Beck is their Goebells.  I have repeatedly tried to watch Beck to get an understanding how he could be so twisted, but I never could go past 5 minutes as his dizzying paranoia is another thing that causes my brain to hurt.  You just want to slap him, shake him by the lapels and yell, "Get a hold on yourself man!" which, in fairness, is probably something he would like to do to my progressive self as well.  Still you don't stand where MLK did and claim white people are being discriminated against so support the military.  That's just John Hinkley shit there, not John Brown.

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