16 September 2010

The Dumbacrats have only themselves to blame

So it seems a lot of Dumbacrats out there are really worried about the upcoming November elections and rightfully so.  Let's face it, when your opponent is as vociferously racist and anti-middle class like the Republikkkans, you have to have screwed up pretty bad to be in a position of weakness instead of strength.  Oh sure, the pundits and bobble heads on TV will use the old saw "it's all about the economy, stupid!" to excuse this mess, but the American people know it was the Republikkkans under the illegal Bush administration that destroyed the economy, they just don't care.  Why?

1) The health care reform debacle.  Universal health care has long been a staple of the Dumbacratic party for decades and finally, with the help of the American people buying into what seems now to be a false message of hope, they had the numbers to get it done.  Clear majorities in both House and Senate and a President ready to sign off on the whole shebang.  Further, President Obama campaigned on making health care reform a priority.  But somewhere along the line the Dumbacrats view of what health care reform should be was in conflict with the voters who wanted universal coverage for all.  Health care reform mysteriously became health insurance reform, then the Dumbacrats lost their backbone by worrying that universal coverage would cost them re-election bids.  So rather than show any sort of leadership or courage of conviction, they decided it was best to play it safe.  Making matters worse, members of the Dumbacratic party broke ranks and fought hard to sabotage the process at the behest of their wealthy campaign contributors in the health and pharmaceutical fields.  Say what you want about the evil Republikkkans, they don't break ranks as they demonstrated by infamously showing they are the party of no.  The end result?  The lower and middle classes got screwed again in favor of the rich and corporate interests and Dumbacrats showed why many of us "commoners" regard them as GOP Lite.

All we the people got was another law against their civil liberties that forces us to buy health insurance or face the consequences, whether we can afford it or not.  Talk about a hollow victory!  The passed law is useless and the voters have given up on the spineless Dumbacrats who wouldn't tackle climate change, pass any real Wall St. reform, prosecute Bush for crimes against the nation or do away with torture and other government excesses and abuses of power.  They might as well be Republikkans!  Now this Dumbacratic ineptitude will cost us all if the Republikkkans really do manage to steal back the Congress.  Already the GOP has made clear it will cut Medicare, destroy Social Security and making the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% permanent.  Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire!  If you think the economy sucks now, wait until those Becktards get a hold of it AGAIN!

2) The Bush bailout.  After 5 odd years of misleading the American public on the crappy state of the economy, a result of his bad economic policies, the criminal George Bush had no choice but to borrow billions of dollars from the Chinese and claiming these loans were to stabilize the economy.  Instead what he did was pass out golden parachutes to his Wall St. pals.  By the time Obama came into office, half that money was gone and of that missing half, all of it went to rich folk.

Yet somehow, in a way I still don't fully understand, this bailout in the mind of American's became Obama's idea, as if he were the originator of this questionable multi-billion dollar deal.  Sure, the Dumbacrats were forced to borrow more money from the Chinese to offset that missing money felonious Bush gifted to the corporations and banks, but Obama is bearing all the blame for Bush's shenanigans.  The Dumbacrats never did anything to contest this notion to my knowledge so this misconception stuck.  The Dumbacrats followed this with the aforementioned health care debacle.

As my man Gump used to say, "Stupid is as stupid does." and these Dumbacrats have indeed been stupid.  I've never seen a political party with a clear majority and a direct mandate from the voters go out of their way not only to alienate their constituents but shoot themselves in the foot every chance they could. 

Now a frustrated American electorate is poised to take a terrible step backwards and to open the door for more Republikkkan abuses.  To me this is true insanity.  How on Earth could any one self respecting, freedom loving American voter think even for a moment that a group of whining, self-indulgent, racist, self-stylized martyrs filled to overflowing with as much twisted fundamentalist religious zealotryand rage as any radical Jihadist like the Republikkans would be a great option to vote for?

Dumbacrats can say it's the economy, perhaps even find some small, cold comfort from that unrealistic thought, but in truth they have done this to themselves. 

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