01 October 2010

on John Boehner and his hypocrisy

John Andrew Boehner has been Representative since 1990 and is part of the Republikkkan establishment.  Naturally this should put him in the Teabagger's cross hairs but I think his protective orange skin causes cognitive failure in the human brain.  Sure, you read a news article here and there saying the Tea party wants nothing to do with Boehner, but as a soulless politician he has opted to ignore these minute rumblings.  Instead he has taken the Republikkkan party backwards in an effort to appease and absorb the Teabagger angst into their proper GOP hole in hopes of a Republikkkan takeover of both houses of Congress in November.  A cynical move to be sure, but ol' Boehner needs the votes to advance the Republikkkan agenda of making rich folk richer and the lower classes poorer.  Why?  Because that's what his wealthy donors pay him to do with their contributions.  Privatizing Social Security, eliminating Medicare, repealing the new health care law & ending unemployment benefits is their aim.  Why?  Because rich folk in America don't want to pay their fair share.  So , rather than live up to their social responsibilities, they send their Republikkan lapdogs to do the dirty work, something John Boehner is only too happy to do.

If you follow Boehner on Twitter, you get his updates in which he decries the current state of the country and blames that condition solely on the Dumbacrats.  To be sure, Dumbacrats are spineless, jelly legged enablers but to blame their party for the lapses of Republikkkan leadership under the illegal Bush regime which caused our current catastrophe is unconscionable.  Not that facts would stop Boehner from spreading his gospel of misinformation and disdain.  It never stopped him before, why should it now?  Seems that the Republikkkans have developed mass amnesia about the Bush era and their irresponsibility during that time.  For example, President Clinton left them a balanced budget and budget surpluses, they have given us record deficits and debt for the next few decades.  Or how about the fact that the GOP doubled the size of the federal government when their platform claims to be for smaller government?  You can now see that what Republikkkan leadership really means is "we'll cut social programs like food and disability benefits and grow the federal government where profitable".  Screw the poor, make rich folk richer! is the GOP mantra.  Social Darwinism Robert Reich calls it (robertreich.org) and I agree.  The GOP sees itself as the fittest, our superiors, our betters and the lower classes just need to deal with it and quit whining. 

Reich goes on to say: "...like (President Herbert) Hoover and (Treasury Secretary Andrew) Mellon, Republicans want to cut the deficit and balance the budget at a time when a large portion of the workforce is idle.

This defies economic logic. When consumers aren’t spending, businesses aren’t investing and exports can’t possibly fill the gap, and when state governments are slashing their budgets, the federal government has to spend more. Otherwise, the Great Recession will turn into exactly what Hoover and Mellon ushered in – a seemingly endless Great Depression.

It’s also cruel. Cutting the deficit and balancing the budget any time soon will subject tens of millions of American families to unnecessary hardship and throw even more into poverty.

Herbert Hoover and Andrew Mellon thought their economic policies would purge the rottenness out of the system and lead to a more moral life. Instead, it purged morality out of the system and lead to a more rotten life for millions of Americans.

And that’s exactly what Republicans are offering yet again."

But Republikkkans love rehashing ideas, just ask Boehner.  When the Dumbacrats had taken over Congress with the election of Clinton, Boehner was one of the architects of the "Contract With America" in which the GOP promised to restore honor, morals and ethics to the federal government.  The Contract was Republikkkans saying, "Look we screwed up last time you elected us, but if you give us another chance to do the job you elected us to do in the first place, we promise never to screw up again.  And this time we mean it!"

Today it is Boehner's "Pledge to America" which is the GOP saying yet again, "Look, we screwed up last time you elected us, but if you give us another chance to do the job you elected us to do in the first place, we promise never to screw up again.  And this time we mean it!"

“The House finds itself in a state of emergency. The institution does not function, does not deliberate and seems incapable of acting on the will of the people. From the floor to the committee level, the integrity of the House has been compromised,” Boehner said in a speech to the American Enterprise Institute.

Funny he should say that as it is the Republikkkan obstructionism in the mantra of, "No!" that has ground the institution to a halt, which has been proved countless times over the last couple of years.  As for acting on the will of the people, some 70% of all Americans wanted a single payer or public option for health care reform.  The GOP, not willing to make their wealthy benefactors pay their fair share, held their breath, threw tantrums and did all they could to derail the process like petulant 5 year olds.

He went on to say that House and Senate authorizing committees “abdicated their responsibility, often authorizing billions of dollars knowing full well they will never actually be appropriated.” (1)  You mean like all those billions of $$$ that went "missing" in Afghanistan under the felon Bush during the Republikkkan watch?

I've tried to e-mail Boehner but like most politicians, he doesn't respond to out of state e-mails from the lower classes.  If I were an out of state donor, I'm sure it would be a different scenario.  I follow him on Twitter to keep an eye on all the outlandish half truths he tweets.  Sometimes in a fit of frustration, I reply to his tweets, which is a total waste of time as the man who claims his party needs to listen to the voice of the American people (all of us presumably) doesn't allow public tweets on his profile.  I doubt he's alone in that practice but he still puts himself and his party out there as those who give a damn and want to hear our opinions, but that just isn't true.  The voices he wants to hear all agree with his politics and the opinions he claims to solicit means they must be conservative.  Hardly a representation of the whole of America but then that's the hypocrisy of Boehner and his GOP cohorts.  They don't want to hear other voices and opinions that don't make them richer or that might benefit lower class Americans.  They only want to hear what they already believe and that, my friends, is what they've done all along and no Contract or Pledge is going to change that even as they lie through their teeth and promise yet again it will.  They really, really mean it this time... again.

(1) Quotes taken from http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42979.html as reported by Richard E. Cohen

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