25 February 2011

Boycott These Koch Industries Companies/Scott Walker Contributors

Boycott These Koch Industries Companies/Scott Walker Contributors

Here’s an easy way to “protest” with the people in Madison and elsewhere: Boycott the fuck out of all these companies. IF there is something made by one of these companies you cannot live without, you shouldn’t be thinking about protests, anyway. (Think about delicious anus-burgers harvested by ill-paid, ill-treated illegal migrant labor in the slaughterhouses of the Midwest.)

Good-bye to this shit:

Wisconsin Realtors Koch Industries (obvs.) Wal-Mart Tavern League of Wisconsin AT&T Brawny paper towels Dixie cups Georgia-Pacific lumber Stainmaster carpet Lycra

Also quit buying gasoline and using natural gas; the Kochs own pipelines everywhere. Go solar and get a Nissan Volt, or better yet, don’t have a car at all and rent one (a Hybrid or EV) for road trips. Give a hoot.

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