26 April 2011

From the files of Work Your Own Side of the Street...

...or "Not funny ha-ha; funny queer."

So all the high profile, office holding Republicans have been bending over backwards these last few weeks to renounce the birthers and their nonsensical claims that President Obama is an alien even after they aped birther language all the way through the election process last November and even after that.

So why all the haste to distance themselves from their thinly veiled racist rhetoric?

Why Donald Trump of course.  If most Americans think similarly to me, then we all know Trump is a joke, a laughingstock billionaire (thanks to his dad dropping dead!) who is stupid and more than a little retarded.  He wants to lead the Republican party as their president.  Well, shit!  I guess I'd be going out of my way to put as much distance between myself and that asshole too!  I mean, if you can cause the queen bee Jan Brewer to renounce birtherism, you know it's a serious problem because Jan Brewer is a racist who still kills white people in her state by denying them medicare coverage who proudly wore her birther credentials on her sagging chest like it was the freaking Medal of Honor!

I think the GOP establishment is realizing what a circus they made of things and a man fit to be ringleader of a circus is now challenging them for nutcase supremacy to attract the rabid, far right extremists otherwise known as "the Base".  I think they also realize that, given Trump's celebrity status, he is a viable threat to win a presidential race.  Now, before you say, "That's dumb, Mike!" I give you governor Ahh-nold Schwarzenegger.  Man, the Terminator can dupe humans into voting for it than Donald Trump can certainly get hired as Commander in Chief!

So now the GOP will paint their own rhetoric in truer colors.  Birtherism is now "destructive, unproductive, a distraction from civil discourse" and so on and so forth now that it is no longer safe to keep whipping the rubes and yokels up into a racist tinged frothing frenzy over our Black Panther, Socialist, Communist, Kenyan, secret Muslim terrorist, but otherwise nice guy
President, Barack Obama.

For some reason people are still wondering if Trump is really running for president or not, and, as I posted about a month ago, he already announced he was.  At the end of the Comedy Central roast of him.  Watch it and see it for yourself.  Naturally the clown Trump needed a circus setting to announce his plans.  Otherwise, it just wouldn't be the Donald. 

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