An eight-year old boy named Aidan was pepper sprayed by Lakewood, Colorado police after acting up in a classroom.
Teachers had barricaded themselves in after the second-grader threw a violent temper tantrum.
Aiden, whose last name was not revealed to protect his privacy, had torn a piece of wooden trim off the walls and was wielding it like a weapon, according to a police report filed about the incident at Glennon Heights Elementary on February 22.
He also threw a television and was threatening to kill the teachers. When police arrived, a spokesman said, they felt they had no option but use use the pepper spray on him.
Aidan told local 9 News, ‘It burned my eyes, and I couldn’t see.’
He was reportedly treated for minor skin irritation.
This was the third time police had been called after Aidan’s temper tantrums, although his mother, Mandy, is criticizing the police for what she considers excessive force, and for treating her young son ‘like a common criminal.’
According to the police report, Aidan ‘was climbing the cart and spitting at teachers. He also broke wood trim off the walls and was trying to stab teachers with it.’
‘I wanted to make something sharp if they came out because I was so mad at them," Aidan said. ‘I was going to try to whack them with it.’
After he refused to obey police, they sprayed him with pepper spray two times. He dropped the stick, and they handcuffed him.
Lakewood police are defending their actions. Aidan was placed on a ‘mental health hold’ and was transferred to a school for children with behavioural issues.
Aidan’s mother told 9 News that her son had been seeing a doctor, but has not been diagnosed with mental problems and is not on medication.
‘I have some anger things,’ the child admitted. ‘I don’t think they’re ever going to go away.’
Pepper spraying a 2nd grader seems abusive to me when all the cops had to do was grab the kid. I think these civil rights abuses we see against children in the name of the same American justice system that lets George W. Bush still walk around a free man demonstrate the 2 distinct and separate levels within our courts and law enforcement. Rich folk get away with murder while among us "peasants and commoners" not even our children are spared the bullying of thugs with badges.
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