09 October 2009

writer's bloc

So, lately, my zest for writing has deminished. Can't say why really. Perhaps it has something to do with my mood of late. See, I've come to grow despondant over these last few weeks because I just don't get it. I'm an American too yet I see that I am not equal to some of my fellow countrymen. My voice, my opinion, is ignored. That's why I come on here and maintain this blog. It gives me a place to vent my frustration. Now, I'm used to being ignored because I spent most of my childhood learning to be invisible but I don't like this not being equal crap. I suppose on one hand that I should be grateful because this gives me a first hand feel for what this nation's Founders must have felt when the decided to rebell against their King and Government. They were less than equal too but they did something about it. And that's what's eating at me. Here we commoners are striving to free ourselves from the chokehold the Rich and Republican tyranny and still there are millions of Americans standing between us and them as human shields. These frothing religious fanatics, used deftly by the Republican party and given financial resources from the Rich yell of Patriotism and the American Way. They shout of Revolt to reinstall Republican power to Washington. They demand and threaten, stampede and riot. In them is no hope of reason. They are perfect little soldiers to be exploited at will by the very powers seeking to keep America in the Stone Age. Ugh! So I get angry with these people, stirred up as they are by their Masters, which only hurts my Spirit. As a Taoist I try not to feel anger at all, let alone direct it at anyone. Jesus teaches this as well but I guess they don't teach that in some Sunday schools anymore. You know what I mean; you saw them too. Frightened groups of Fundamentalist Christians worked into a frenzy over health care, government takeovers and Socialism chanting for open, violent, bloody rebellion against the forces of Evil and Democrats. Ah to be in Germany circa 1932 eh? Everyone seems to forget that the Nazi party already existed in Germany for some time and it took awhile for them to claim absolute power. The Nazis, initially supported by the Rich and the Religious, gained it's power slowly and methodically. They gained their foothold in government by going to the "country folk" as Hitler called them and winning popular support and giving them a new enemy to focus on and hate. As this mob went forth spreading the Truth of Nazi doctrine, they soon found themselves in control of the whole country. All that remained were some pesky Constitutional rules but Chancellor Hitler and his cohorts in the Reichstag took care of those at once. Now if you would have told a Nazi in 1929 that his party would wipe out millions of people, including fellow Germans, they surely would have called you a traitor, questioned your fitness as a German and either shout you down or beat you up. In 2009 America we have some weird paralels.

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