02 August 2010

Palin says Brewer has 'cojones' and reveals her own self loathing

FOXNews.com - Palin Says Brewer Has Something Obama Lacks: 'Cojones'

In the name of fairness, I must tell you I don't think very much of Sarah Palin.  Asides from being a religious, fundamentalist whacko, she's a ditz so she doesn't know much about anything to begin with, yet she feels competent enough to journey to China and trash talk and lie about President Obama.  To me, this was the modern generation's Jane Fonda going to North VietNam moment.

Now, for some reason I can't fathom, Palin's Fonda impersonation played well for the yahoos in the sticks, those batter-brained, white trash idiots who cling to the Republican Party or the Tea Party ideology like it was the Bible writ in God's hand.  They never seem to understand that when rich folk are involved, the political game is already fixed; you are now just being used and exploited.

Ugh!  I'm getting too worked up already!  Calm down, Mike, breathe.

Anyway, it all boils down to hypocrisy and Sarah Palin is perhaps the biggest hypocrite I see in the public eye on a daily basis.  True, in America, we are all entitled to (some) free speech and (some of) our opinions but shouldn't we naturally have within us the personal integrity to say "hey, I'm just making this shit up" when we lie on purpose?  And Sarah Palin lies on purpose a lot!  She, like all Conservatives are always talking about individual responsibility, so where is it?

Today it is being widely reported that Sarah Palin said quote: "Jan Brewer has the cojones that our president does not have.  If our own president will not enforce our federal law, more power to Jan Brewer."

Seems innocuous enough but why didn't Sarah Palin just say "balls"?  Why not "Jan Brewer has the balls that our president does not have"?  Can't cite censorship because they say "balls" everywhere on TV and everybody knows what "cajones" means anyway.  Nuts, balls, sack, the family jewels.  Oh, wait, is that just a more politically correct way of saying "balls" for the white, genteel, upper crust Republicans these days?  "Oh and darling please tell the African Americans to get off my cajones about welfare"?

Jan Brewer has balls is what Sarah means to say and if Sarah herself had balls she would have said so instead borrowing a word from the immigrants she actively supports repressing in Arizona, thus revealing to us all the wider hypocrisy of the national Tea Party movement, Republicans and their "self responsibility".  Why can't Arizonans just be honest and say they are targeting Mexicans?  It isn't like the cops are gonna ask us white folk for our papers (never mind that the Russians are white too) are they?  "You got your papers Smith??" isn't going to happen.  So be honest.  You don't want Mexicans in your state. 

If she weren't such a dunce i might think Sarah Palin was simply trying to be ironic by using "cajones" instead of "balls" but instead she just pulled a Tina Fey on herself proving once and for all she deserves all the ridicule she gets.

1 comment:

  1. I want AZ Governor Jan Brewer to show papers to prove she’s a human being. I think it was FOX that did a show on extraterrestrials that live among us, and Governor Brewer does resemble some alien from a B Movie, “Invasion of the Brain Snatchers”, right? I’ve have my suspicions about people like Jan Brewer, Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove because of their lack of human qualities.

    As far as the immigration issue goes… Republicans never made a big deal about immigration enforcement during Bush/Cheney but NOW all conservative hell is breaking loose… even though the Obama Administration is deporting MORE illegal’s than Bush ever did. Maybe we should adopt Ronald Wilson Reagan’s immigration policy (look it up morons)

    And funny how I didn’t hear NOT ONE WORD on the Cable News about AZ Gov. Jan Brewer’s connection with the Corrections Corp of America. Not to mention I could stop this immigration problem with one thing… ARREST ALL THOSE conservative business people WHO ARE HIRING THE ILLEGAL WORKERS! Republican Party = Hypocrisy

    On 7-28-10 I was watching Republicans on Morning Joe (MSNBC) preach about being ADULTS when it comes to our economic meltdown. I say BS! The real ADULTS are trying to demand accountability from those who got us in this financial mess. Republicans want to shift the burden of responsibility on
    American working class, teachers, poor people, unions and immigrants.

    I wonder if the spoiled Silver Spoons on Morning Joe knew how much they hurt Democrats, Progressives, Liberals when they didn’t challenge NJ Gov. Christie. NOW all over the internet the Conservative wacko groupies are swooning all over Christie like he was a rock star. Of course, because of these Republican low grade thought processes, the right wing monkeys now consider American working class, teachers, poor people, unions and immigrants the biggest threat to our economy

    What kind of Americans are stupid enough to believe that decent wages, decent working conditions, enforcing again regulation, reforming our broken financial system and broken healthcare are BAD THINGS! Especially letting all those tax breaks for the rich expire (ten years is enough!) so the rich can again pay their fair share. When the Republicans were running things they started two wars they did not want to finish, set us up for financial system failure and took tax dollars away from grade schools to give BP tax breaks/subsidies (Corporate Welfare). DON’T BELIEVE ME, you rightwing numbskulls, CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELVES! consciousmc.blogspot.com


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