07 September 2010

David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (EXCLUSIVE)

If you believe the hype, the next few months are going to be a downer for Dumbacrats as the nation "recoils from Obama's Socialist agenda".  Obviously President Obama isn't a Socialist, rather a watered down version of Republikkkans, yet, as we as a nation have witnessed since the very day Obama was inaugurated, he has been caricatured by the media as a foreign Hitlerian-Marxist jihadist bent on destroying America. 

According to the recent poll by the Pew Research Center roughly 1/3 of conservative Republikkkans (34%) say Obama is a Muslim and that, even among his supporters, less than half now say Obama is a Christian.  Among Dumbocrats 46% say Obama is a Christian down from 55% in March 2009.  This belief that Obama is a Muslim has increased among Republikkkans (up 14 points since 2009), especially conservative Republikkkans (up 16 points).  The number of independents who say Obama is a Muslim has also increased (up eight points).  There has been little change in the number of Dumbocrats who say Obama is a Muslim, but fewer say he is a Christian (down nine points since 2009).  When asked how they learned about Obama's religion in an open-ended question, 60% of those who say Obama is a Muslim cite the media.(1)

For all the talk of a liberal media, you'd be hard pressed to find it.  Instead it is a vast rabid right noise and propaganda machine fueled by FOX News and its reprehensible allies.  Just in these last 2 years this nation has seen where FOX News airs a story they know to be false (the Sharon Sharrod story being the latest example) and repeats it over and over for several days until the so called "mainstream" media picks it up and begins repeating the false story, at which point FOX introduces a new lie while repeating the old chestnuts of "wealth redistribution" and "he's a Communist".  After 2 years of this brainwashing and conditioning, what else is the American public going to think?  As they have demonstrated over the last decade, the public isn't very good at reasoning.  Rather they rely on impulse and emotionalism which is happily provided to them by the Becktards and Limbums of the world.  Still, we can't blame it all on the rabid right and FOX, though they indeed hold the lion's share of the credit for the national miasma in our public political discourse.  President Obama has played into their hands by taking the high road.

From day one President Obama needed to be fighting back against the rabid right's ridicule, fear mongering, falsehoods and race baiting but he refused to.  His goal of middle of the road compromise and good natured political wrangling in the best interests of the country seemed like the natural course of things, especially seeing as the Dumbocrats compromised with Republikkkans repeatedly during the Bush regime.  Quid pro quo. right?  What Obama failed to recognize is that most of today's Republikkkans are fundamentalist whackos born of the Christian Coalition movement.  I suppose many people today forget that the CC was a Pat Robertson group bent on transforming the Republikkkan party into a fundamentalist Christian party, a goal they succeeded in spectacularly.  Remember the "Contract with America"?  That was theirs.  I remember reading it and scoffing at it because the whole contract was the Republikkkans promising America that they would do the job they'd be elected to do in the first place while fighting to protect family values safe against the Communists and Socialists of the Dumbocratic party.   And they really, really mean it this time!  Not like before.  Or the last time.  Or the time before that.  Ugh!

When they couldn't wrest the presidency from Clinton in '96, nor pin any of the hundreds of salacious scandals they repeatedly lied about upon him, nor nail his "dyke wife" for Whitewater or anything, all it took was one dittohead to screw up the fate of this nation.  Linda Tripp you, I'm looking at you.(2)

With a wagged tongue and recording devices provided by the Republikkkan Ken Starr the greatest threat to national security quit being bin Laden's terrorists but oral sex being given in the Oval Office.  You know the rest.  The new FOX News gathers the audience it has today by giving sexually repressed fundamentalist Christians titillating stories of cigars in vaginas and semen soaked dresses while simultaneously reaffirming their bitter moral outrage over the endless tide of filth in modern society that would lead a rich and powerful white man and President of the United States to receive sexual favors from a nice looking woman for the first time ever in all human history.  Is it any coincidence that the Clinton scandal led to 8 more years of talking about Bush? 

Today my country still suffers from the policies of the illegal, illegitimate Bush administration and will forever it seems as our politicians are all too spineless to change anything back to the way it was before and in the case of the Republikkkans, too partisan as well.  The Republikkkans have shown us all again that they are all hypocrites, they are all known liars and that the best interests of the nation are not their concern yet somehow they are poised to retake the House and even out the Senate according to pollsters and research groups.  As I've observed before, the public isn't much for reasoning. 

The Dumbacrats have done this to themselves naturally. 

1) From day one when the rabid right Republikkkan noise machine started blasting, they should have been blasting back instead of worrying about our national discourse because, like it or not, that is how America IS thanks to FOX News and the Becktards.  If you don't stand up to the bully, the bully pushes you around and never changes.  No, he continues to harrass or harm you and the other kids for all their milk money until someone does stand up to him.
That was the Dumbacrats unofficial contract with America and you can see they failed at it.  Reps Weiner and Grayson have tried to get their fellow party members to see this, but Dumbacrats are cowards dodging conflicts.  At least that is the impression they and the media have given me.

2)  The whole health care debacle showed us independents and the progressive liberal left that the politics of change was all smoke and mirrors.  With a clear majority, the Dumbacrats could've and should've brought universal health care to the last civilized Western country not to have it: the United States of America.  Instead, they let the rich and powerful insurance groups, medical groups and pharmaceuticals (who also donate huge amounts of money to the Dumbacrat's campaigns) buy back the legislation and rewrite it, warping into a sad joke and a hollow, meaningless victory for any American except those already wealthy.  That's the reason so many Americans don't like "Obamacare".  They wanted universal coverage you dunces!  To demonstrate his leadership in this untenable situation, President Obama should have just gone to his party and said, "Fellas, this is what we are going to do!"  Instead he said, "Look, you guys need to fix this."  or "You guys need to get this done" or worse still "I'm trying to find some middle ground with our Republikkkan friends and reach across the aisle."  Dude!  They swear you are an unborn Muslim masquerading as an American here to destroy the American way of life for Satan and black people with your thrice damned Nazi Communist Socialism and you want to hear their opinions?!?  (3)

So what will happen when the Republikkkans take over?  They have already declared one of their first priorities is to gut Social Security and privatize it.  They have already said they would defund the already weak "Obamacare legislation".  They will take more and more from the lower classes and redistribute the wealth upwards to themselves.  They will be pushing for wars, outrageously funding the Pentagon's whimsical plans for new ways to kill, torture or indoctrinate.  They will add to the deficit as they did every year under Bush, a deficit that is actually shrinking under Obama.

That's another victory right there.  The Dumbacrats should be walking away with this election cycle and not looking back!  Instead the Republikkkans may mire us in more years of failed Bush era policies.  Heaven forbid they should retake the White House as that will probably end in nuclear war, a war Republikkkans are willing to wage in accordance with their End Times beliefs.


(1) These figures come from http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1701/poll-obama-muslim-christian-church-out-of-politics-political-leaders-religious

(2) I had more bad things to say about Tripp but I'm trying to live by Ron Burgandian philosophy and trying to stay classy and edited myself.  I suppose I could e-mail the original wording if anyone asks for it.

(3) It is my firm belief that Republikkkan members of Congress commonly refer to President Obama as "n word" behind closed doors.  Though I have never heard them say it directly, there have been plenty of hints that suhhest they do as when they conspicuously call the President "uppity".   "Uppity n-word", is a common racial slur with some interesting search engine results for those who don't believe me.

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