08 September 2010

Two Multibillionaire Brothers Are Remaking America for Their Own Benefit | CommonDreams.org

Two Multibillionaire Brothers Are Remaking America for Their Own Benefit | CommonDreams.org

I got angry when I read this article, real mad and stirred up.  This is America dammit!  Land of the free and home of the brave and all those other slogans we toss around like kernels gleaned from some fantastical holy document writ long ago.

Free!  Free!  Whisper that word to yourself and feel the majesty and pride of that idea swell within your star spangled breast!  America! Only free men live here!  That's the promise of America, what truly makes us great and the envy of the whole world.  The song of hope on every immigrant's lips as they dream one day but to reach our shores.  There is hope in freedom, a kind of redemption that swears to every man, woman and child that you can make something of yourself here.  You can be great and change the whole world.

Today we see what is becoming of that promise.  Once again we see common Americans being manipulated by rich, fat white guys who would rule as kings and lord it over all of us, spreading a gospel of hate and lies as they go, reshaping America into their warped, fanatical Christian view of it. 

That's the true cunning of the white, elitist American rich.  They're always selling us the rope we use to fashion our nooses.

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