16 April 2011

Trump lies his ass off to a homosexual Christian

Thanks to TeaPartyJesus (check out TPJ on Facebook or at http://teapartyjesus.tumblr.com/ )for pointing this one out. I tried to embed the video but Blogger doesn't allow that like Tumblr does for some reason.

Anyway, presidential candidate Donald Trump is interviewed by closeted homosexual masquerading as a Christian fundamentalist David Brody.

If anyone remembers the movie The Negotiator there is a scene when Sam Jackson's character points out that when you look left and up while trying to answer someone, you are lying. So check out how many times the Donald lies in this interview.

1 comment:

  1. wait a minute a Homosexual posing as a christian callin Trump a Liar?talk about living a lie.Hello!


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